Saanich is a fabulous place, but it could be better. Here are 10 concrete ideas I’d like to pursue if elected to Saanich Council and the CRD:
Establish an Affordable Saanich Taskforce consisting of housing organizations, renters, builders, developers, and other stakeholders to recommend actions to address our housing and affordability crisis and keep the costs of living down for our residents
Hire more bylaw enforcement officers (fines could cover the additional costs) and step up proactive bylaw monitoring and education to help restore Saanich’s credibility and fairness for all residents
Hold an annual Saanich Business Forum to build a relationship with the business community and encourage others to set up shop in Saanich
Build more sidewalks faster to connect kids with schools and people with bus stops & amenities, and to ensure our residents feel safe getting around their neighbourhoods at any age
Permit submissions to Council via video feed so more people can participate in consultations and decisions made in Saanich
Establish a Youth & Families Advisory Committee to advise Council on how to better engage and serve the needs of these groups in providing services and making decisions
Appoint Saanich Councillors (on a rotating basis) to serve as liaisons to community associations so Council stays in touch with their needs and neighbourhoods
Consider giving our First Nations a seat at the CRD, as has been done in the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District
Advocate for Permanent Residents to have the right to vote in civic elections because they are also contributing members of our communities
Permit electronic submission of applications (e.g. for building permits) to speed things up and make life easier for business and residents